This week as we attack the attic to find the decorations, untangle the lights and choose the best Christmas tree we sometimes forget why we are doing all of this. As Christians, the time of ADVENT is a time to prepare for the biggest celebration there is - the birth of Jesus Christ the king.
In School this week we will bless the Advent wreath and light the first purple candle, the candle of hope. We will hope for many things, for good health of friends and family, for security and strength in these difficult times. We are hopeful that we will see our families safely over the Christmas period.
The children will be hoping that Santa gets their letters and hears their wishes. And the adults will be hoping for a rest and some fun and joyful holiday time.
Try and take some time yourself this week to reflect on what you are hopeful for, on how you can prepare for this special time and to remember as Martin Luther King wrote 'Only in the darkness can we see the stars!'
Below are some links you might like to use at home, with your family or for some quiet personal reflection. Have a good week and enjoy the preparations for this joyous season.
A reflection on hope
The Prayer - by Andrea Bocelli & Celine Dion.(singing starts at 01:40)
On line advent calendar for families - Online Advent calendar
This week, the 2nd week of Advent, the Candle of Peace is lit. And maybe, when we are rushing around trying to find the perfect presents or turkey, to get the Christmas cards written and the last of the online orders put in, we feel far from peaceful!
However, peace can be found in the middle of all the chaos if we just allow ourselves to find our inner calm. Take time every day this week, to pause and to find your calm. Tap into a moment, whether it's having a cup of tea, looking out the window, going for a walk or simply just sitting quietly and reflect. In that moment, remember how you are loved, how God is listening and there for you. Remember you have friends and people around you who are happy because you are here. And if this is a tough week, remember that "this too will pass"!
Shalom round
Reflection on Peace
Children's idea of Peace!
Historically the pink or rose candle is called the Gaudete candle, from the Latin word meaning “rejoice.” The third Sunday of Advent is also known by some Christians as Gaudete Sunday. It is an important reminder in the Advent season of preparation, of the joy that is ours in knowing the power of love in our lives. The third week of Advent is the candle of joy. Also known as the "shepherd candle", it is in this third week of advent that we rejoice for the coming King. The shepherds experienced joy at the good news of the birth of the Messiah.
We are privileged to share our days with children who see and share joy so easily. They relish in the joy of friendship and family, in treats, surprises and anticipation. The Lord told us many times we should be more like children and I often think of this - children live in the moment and their joy of life is infectious. Allow yourselves, this Advent season, to forget the responsibilities and the worries, even if it's only fleeting and remember the joy of your childhood, embrace it and live that child again - enjoy the wonder and awe of the message of Christmas.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Joy in our lives - A reflection
Advent Wk 3: Joy to the world
Love, the greatest gift of all. The Lord asked us to Love one another and to Love our neighbours as ourselves. How such simple words can have such profound meaning. Throughout all of the pandemic, even in the darkest days, there continues to be many examples of people showing love to one another.
Neighbours who'd never spoken, helping each other; local clubs organising to collect medicines for the elderly and the sick; guards of honour that stretched 100s of metres and the postman, who became our best friend, bringing joy, in the form of letters, cards and parcels.
Above all, there was the rekindled love of family - where we could no longer take each other for granted - where connections were rekindled and maintained through new channels of zoom, writing, cooking, baking and playing games together, around the kitchen table and online!
One of my favourite movies, 'Love Actually', opens with the lines:
"If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually is all around." If we were to look for the silver lining on the cloud that is COVID 19, for me, it would definitely be the outpouring of love that we have seen, and continue to see, through the kind deeds of humankind towards one another, in this time of crisis.
As we look forward, with anticipation, to the celebration of the birth of Jesus, my prayer is that we remember this love that we have experienced and that we may continue to share this love with one another, long after COVID and the destruction it has wreaked, have passed. May we continue to ensure that "Love is all around us!" And in so doing, fulfilling that which the Lord has asked of us because that is the message of Christmas!
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Christmas, filled with love and laughter and precious time, spent with family and friends!
Charlie Brown's Christmas Play
Light of the World
May is traditionally the month when we gather together as a school community to pray to Mary.
A weekly reflection is posted on the May Reflection page.
Some useful links:
Hail Mary Prayer Video for Children
Light a virtual candle in the online prayer space
Stained Glass Colouring Page
Song - Sing of a Lady
Song - Bring Flowers of the Rarest
We all need time to stop and rest, to think and reflect. Let this be your space.
Relaxing music - Time out
Grow in Love Programme - Parents' link
10 Prayers for Children at Bedtime
Burning candle and reflective music