Loreto Primary School, Dalkey

Green Schools

Mural 2023.jpg

The Green Schools committee consists of parents, teachers and two pupils from1st – 6th class. We meet once a month and discuss our action plans in relation to acquiring our green flags.

To date we have received seven green flags, one for litter & waste, one for energy , one for water, three for biodiversity and one for travel.

We also enter the Tidy Schools Competition every year and in this way we are able to monitor the ‘green’ activity in our school.

Every class takes ownership of a different area of the school and looks after it.

Each class is also committed to maintaining an area of the school garden and growing a particular fruit/veg each year.

This year we organised a big recycling project and collected thousands of bottle lids to create a collage on Marine Biodiversity.

Second class organised the collections and the sorting. We then had a competition for a clever slogan to encourage people not to litter and destroy our marine environment.

The slogan was chosen and second class, with their teacher Ms. Taylor and under the guidance of Stephen Taylor, Alice's dad the girls created an eye-catching mural which was designed and hung up for all to admire. Maith sibh go léir!!!

Feb 17
Midterm Break
Mar 14
Half day @ 12:15pm
Mar 17
Bank Holiday School Closed
Apr 11
End of Term
Loreto Primary School, Dalkey,
Harbour Road,
Co. Dublin,

© 2025 Loreto Primary School, Dalkey