Loreto Primary School, Dalkey



All children from junior infants to 1st class will wear the school tracksuit every day. There is no formal uniform for this age group.

The navy tracksuit, with crest may be ordered and purchased in Uniformity, Sandyford


Plain black or white runners. No platform or bejewelled runners are allowed.

Extra plain navy bottoms and extra blue polo shirts can be bought in any location.

Please label every item of your child's uniform as we have bags of clothes in our lost property with no home to go to!

2nd Class to 6th class - Girls will return to tracksuit 3 days a week and uniform 2 days a week.

The uniform is the school jumper, a blue shirt with revered collar (no tie), a navy trousers/pinafore/skirt (no skorts) and navy/black shoes. Runners are for school PE days only.

The jumper and shirts are available in Uniformity. The navy part of the uniform is generic and may be purchased in any location.

All children must wear the full school uniform and should be neat and tidy.

Long hair should be tied back.

Jewellery is not allowed except for one pair of stud earrings worn in the lobes of the ears.

No other body piercing is allowed. Nail varnish is not allowed.

Children wearing the school uniform reflect the ethos and discipline of the school. It is expected, therefore, that they behave accordingly on their way to and from school and when wearing the school uniform in public places, including and especially on any organised school outings.

All parts of uniform and P.E. clothes must be clearly marked with child’s name.

Feb 17
Midterm Break
Mar 14
Half day @ 12:15pm
Mar 17
Bank Holiday School Closed
Apr 11
End of Term
Loreto Primary School, Dalkey,
Harbour Road,
Co. Dublin,

© 2025 Loreto Primary School, Dalkey